Monday, August 13, 2007

Getting Started

I've always wanted a place devoted solely to pursing writing and espousing my idiocies online where everyone (maybe two people, tops) could read.

Nothing career-defining has happened to me lately, it's a slow time of the year for people who cover high school sports. Well, let me take that back. It's heating to a slow simmer, but won't be boiling for at least another two weeks when our high school football tab comes out.

As good of an idea I feel creating this blog was, I have nothing to write about. I suppose I just felt like penning something short and sweet to kick off this blog. I see there's an option to invite other bloggers, kind of like guest writers, and that's something I might be interested in once I get the hang of this and figure out actual topics.

I am not an expert on very many subjects, so there might be a lot of things about sports and video games on here at first. I'd really like to learn more about politics, so I can have an informed opinion rather than what I have now.

Last note: When I first typed the name of my blog, I wrote, "Uniformed Opinion". I liked that because it made me feel like a cop or a nurse. I'm glad I recognized the spelling looked amiss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you, uh, should use this thing more.